Keywords Index

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:: Abidar forest park Investigating the Role of Tree Species in Urban Green Space in Modulating Temperature and Relative Humidity of the Environment (Case Study: Abidar Forest Park in Sanandaj) [Volume 8, Number 16]
:: Altitude Effect of Altitude on some Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Populus Deltoids Trees [Volume 6, Number 12]
:: Aqua presidine The Effect of Some Disinfectants on the Contamination Control of Box Tree Explants under in Vitro Culture [Volume 11, Number 22]
:: Arasbaran region Flora, Life form and Chorology of Plants Species of the Arasbaran Biosphere Reserve (Case Study: Kalybarchai and Ilginechai Watershed Basins) [Volume 5, Number 10]
:: Astara SStudy on Floristic Composition and Chorology of Bibi yanlou’s Forest Park, Astara [Volume 6, Number 11]
:: Biological activities The Effect of Different Land Uses on New Indices of Soil Quality in Central Alborz Region [Volume 8, Number 16]
:: Bivareh Forests Estimation of forest canopy density using FCD [Volume 3, Number 5]
:: Brightness temperature difference Investigating the Vegetation Changes in the Internal and External Dust Storm Sources using MODIS Satellite Imagery (Case Study: Kermanshah Province) [Volume 6, Number 12]
:: Bulk Density The Environmental Effects of Skidder Traffic and Skidding Directions on Forest Soil Compaction and the Regeneration Establishment Condition in Choob-e- Farim Forests [Volume 7, Number 14]
:: Canopy diameter Designing the HCP software for measuring tree height and canopy diameter simultaneously in Southern Zagros [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Study of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of Salix species in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province [Volume 8, Number 15]
:: Chamestan Evaluation the Growth and Production Function of Seven Species of Salicaceae in First Growth Season [Volume 6, Number 11]
:: Clumped pattern Spatial Pattern and Interaction Analysis of Quercus Brantii Lindl. and Pistacia Atlantica Desf. in Qalajeh Forests of Kermanshah using K2 Function [Volume 5, Number 9]
:: Competition Interactions between structural properties beech tree and soil biology with competition index in canopy gaps in Beech stand [Volume 9, Number 18]
:: Correction coefficient Surveying precision comparison between UAV,s surveying without ground control points, RTK, PPK compared to conventional GPS in forestry plans [Volume 9, Number 18]
:: Correlation Coefficients Relationship between Altitude and Juniper Genus Tree-Rings Width Case Study: Juniperus Habitats in North of Kerman Province [Volume 8, Number 15]
:: Decline Class Investigating the Oak Decline in different Crown-Dimensions in Middle Zagros Forests (Case Study: Ilam) [Volume 6, Number 12]
:: Diameter Increment Diameter Increment of Maple Tree (Acer velutinum Boiss.) in Plantations in Mazandaran (Case Study: Pahnekola Region) [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Diameter at breast height Ecological Role of Altitude on Quantitative Characteristics of Caucasian Oak (Quercus macranthera Fisch. & C.A.Mey. ex Hohen.) Stands in Arasbaran Forest [Volume 9, Number 17]
:: Disc Investigation on Climate Variables (Temperature and Precipitation) Effects on Annual Width Rings of Pinus brutia in Lorestan Province [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Distribution Pattern Evaluation of Tree Marking in Persian Ironwood-hornbeam Stands at Bahramnia Forestry Plan and Its Effect on Stand Structure [Volume 7, Number 14]
:: Enzymatic study Selecting Appropriate Tissue Sample and Optimal Maintenance Conditions for enzymatic Investigations on Velvet Maple (Acer velutinum Boiss.) [Volume 3, Number 5]
:: Fagus orientalis Lipsky The Influence of Canopy Gaps Size Derived From Selective Cutting on Diversity of Herbaceous Species in Mountainous Forests of Northern Iran (A Case Study: Beech Stands of Lumiere, Asalem) [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Fandoghlou forest Assessment of Woody Debris in Fandoghlou Forest using Line Intersect Sampling [Volume 3, Number 5]
:: Fire spread rate‎ Modeling Forest Fire Behaviour in Controlled and Accidental Ignitions in Iranian Northern Zagros Forests, with an Emphasis on Fuel Load [Volume 11, Number 21]
:: Forest Gap Variation in Frequency and Biomass of Corticolous Earthworms in the Eastern Hyrcanian Forests [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Forest development Forest plantation in west of Golestan province: current situation and challenges, suggestions for improvement [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Fuzzy logic Classification of Protected Forest Areas for Road Network Planning (Case Study: Arasbaran Area) [Volume 8, Number 16]
:: Generalized linear model Does the Frequency of Fog Affect the Structural Properties of Fagus orientalis in the Hyrcanian Forest? [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Genetic distance Indirect Estimation of Genetic Structure and Gene Flow in Some Black Poplar (Populus Nigra) Clones using Leaf Morphophysiological Traits [Volume 10, Number 19]
:: Geographic Information System Assessment of Ecological Capability and Estimation of Aboveground Biomass in Plantations Darabkola Forest [Volume 5, Number 10]
:: Geographical distribution Evaluation of Understory Plant Species Biodiversity in Buaxus hyrcana Habitats within Hyrcanian Forests [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Geographical information system Evaluation of Tourism Attract Potential of Sorkhehesar Forest Park Using Systemic Analysis Method [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Ghapan Trends in Woody Species Diversity Across Different Age Classes of Pinus brutia and Cupressus horizontalis Plantations in Ghapan Region, East of Golestan [Volume 6, Number 11]
:: Golestan National Park Prioritizing of the Hyrcanian Proposed Sites for Inscription on the UNESCO´S World Heritage List by use of Decision Making Methods [Volume 8, Number 16]
:: Gorgan Determination of form factor for three for Paulownia trees (Paulownia fortune) in the Dr.Bahramnia Forests Plan of Gorgan [Volume 8, Number 16]
:: Growth A Comparison of Silvicultural and Growth Characteristics of Judas tree (Cercis siliqustrum L.) in Sites, Pol-dokhtar and Shineh Lorestan Province [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Hawthorn Investigation on Root Distribution Pattern of Persian Oak and Hawthorn Species in Order to use in Bioengineering Models (Case Study: Boloran Forests, Kohdasht) [Volume 5, Number 10]
:: Herbal Medicines Identification and Introduction of Chemical Compounds in Essential Oil of Cionura Erecta Shrub Species )Case Study: Chahartagh Forest Reserve - Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari Province) [Volume 6, Number 12]
:: Hydropriming The Effect of Hydropriming, Halopriming and Boiling Water on Seed Germination of Black Locust (Robinia pesudoacasia L.) [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: ISSR Evaluation of Junipers spp. Genetic Diversity in Northern Iran using ISSR Markers [Volume 6, Number 11]
:: Ilam The Most Important Factors Affecting Persian Oak (Quercus brantii) Decline in Ilam Province [Volume 8, Number 15]
:: Ilam Application of Analytical Network Process (ANP) in Determination and Evaluation of Potential Area to Ecotourism Development inBadreh Area, Ilam [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Ilam Fire Impacts on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties of Oak Forest in Badreh Region- Ilam Province [Volume 8, Number 15]
:: In vitro. Callus Induction and Regeneration of Gleditsia caspica Desf in Iranian glass conditions [Volume 9, Number 18]
:: Indigenous Knowledge The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Employment, Income of Local People and Conservation of Hircanian Forests from the Viewpoint of Vaz Area Residents, Noor City [Volume 9, Number 17]
:: Intact environmet Structural changes in forest stands considering the intensity of degradation in a montane ecosystem (Case study: Abr Forest, Semnan Province) [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Invertebrates Relationship between Soil Macrofauna Tamarisk and Euphrates Poplar in Riparian Forest of Maroon River, Khuzestan Province [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Kaka-reza of Khoram-Abad Modeling of Forest Degradation Extend using Physiographic and socio-Economic Variables (Case Study: A part of Kaka-Reza District in Khoram-Abad) [Volume 3, Number 5]
:: Kangavar Changes in Species Diversity and Soil Seed Bank under the Exclosure and Different Intensity of Livestock Grazing in Deteriorated Forests of Middle Zagros [Volume 10, Number 20]
:: Kermanshah and Zanjan Provinces and Populus Nigra Study of Growth Function of Black Poplar (Populus Nigra) With Kermanshah and Zanjan Origin in Karaj Research Station [Volume 7, Number 14]
:: Kheyrud Forest Comparison of Stabilized Sliding and Control Area based on Herbaceous Biodiversity and some Soil Properties (Case Study: Patom District, Kheyrud Forest) [Volume 5, Number 9]
:: Khojir national park Effective Factors on Regeneration Establishment and Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Pistacia atlantica in Different Physiographic Conditions (Case Study: Khojir National Park) [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Khorram-Abad Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Land for Ecotourism Development) Case Study: Khorram-Abad Country) [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Khuzestan. The effect of length, diameter and position of cuttings on the initial growth of seedlings obtained from Euphrates poplar cuttings (Populus euphratica Oliv.) [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Kowsar Station Economic Value and Contribution of Carbon Storage in Different Organs of Eucalyptus and Acacia in the Flood Spreading Fields of Kowsar Station [Volume 9, Number 17]
:: Lajim Assessment of Home-Field Advantage (HFA) of Litter Decomposition in Beech and Alder Sites and in Norway Spruce Plantation of Lajim Region [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Laleh Forest Park. The Incremental Assessment, Mixture Effect, Soil of Eucalyptus Camaldolensis (Dehn) and Prosopis Juliflora (Sw.) D.C.Plantations in Laleh Forest Park of Dezful [Volume 8, Number 15]
:: Landslide Effect of the road technical and drainage properties on roadside landslides in watershed 85 in Golestan province [Volume 10, Number 19]
:: Life Form Flora, biological form and geographical distribution of plants in Darabkola research forest of Sari [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Linden Effect of Seed Maturity and Dormancy Breakage on Improvement of Seed Germination in Tilia rubra subsp. caucasica form Angulata [Volume 7, Number 13]
:: Livelihoods of Forest Evaluation of Organizing Plan of Livestock Exit from Forest (Case Study: Central Part of Rezvanshahr City) [Volume 9, Number 17]
:: Local communities Identification of the Type of Use and the Degree of Local Communities' Dependence on Khamir-Qeshm Mangrove Forests [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Lomir Study of Age Effects on Growth of Beech Trees in Lomir Forest, Guilan [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Lorestan The Effects of Some Ecological Factors on Myrtus Communis Distribution in Lorestan Province [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Loveh forestry plan Estimating the amount of runoff and soil erosion according to the soil properties and the slope of the skid trails Case study: Loveh forest- Golestan province. [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: MRPP Effect of Road Age on Identification of Ecological Species Groups and Environmental Factors Affecting them in Western Forests of Guilan Province [Volume 5, Number 10]
:: Malekshahi Application of an Integrated CA-Markov Model in Simulating Spatiotemporal Changes in Forest Cover: A Case Study of Malekshahi County Forests, Ilam Province [Volume 3, Number 5]
:: Management Biodiversity of Deadwood Beech Macrofungi in the Darabkola Educational Research Forest of Sari [Volume 11, Number 22]
:: Management Participatory Mechanisms The Identification of Challenges and the Formulation of Management Participatory Mechanisms using SOWT Analysis in Fotest Bankoul Area of Ilam Province [Volume 6, Number 12]
:: Mapping volume stock Spatial Analyses for Fine Woody Debris Volume Stock in the Hyrcanian Research Forest of Kheyrood-Kenar [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Mazandaran Relationship Between Qualitative and Quantitative Characteristics of Regeneration with Gap Size in Different Types of Beech Stands (Case Study: Sourdar Anarestan Management Plan, Mazandaran) [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Mazandaran Assessing the Probability of Forest Fire Occurring using Dong Model, Artificial Neural Network and K Nearest Neighbors in Babolrood Basin, Mazandaran [Volume 9, Number 17]
:: Mechanical Control e Evaluation and Performance Comparison of some Mechanical Control Methods for Yellow Mistletoe (Loranthus europaeus Jacq.) at Different Altitudes (Case study: Oak forests of Hyanan, Ilam) [Volume 7, Number 14]
:: Mineral Layer The Effect of Different Forest Types on Litter Quality and Soil Enzyme Activity in the Vaz Forest of Noor-Mazandaran Province [Volume 8, Number 15]
:: Mixed plantation The Effect of Pure and Mixed Norway Spruce (Picea abies L.) Afforestationon Some Soil Physical and Chemical Characteristics [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Modeling Modeling the Distribution of Species Pistacia atlantica in Ilam Province using MaxEnt Methods [Volume 10, Number 20]
:: Morphology Effect of Different Media on Some Morphological Characteristics of Acacia victoria Benth. In Vitro Conditions [Volume 6, Number 11]
:: Mother tree traits Prediction of Establishment in Progenies of Persian Oak Trees Based on the Morphological and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Traits [Volume 11, Number 22]
:: Multi-criteria decision-making Selection of the Most Suitable Tree and Shrub Species for the Afforestation of Iranian Northern Zagros Forests Using AHP and TOPSIS Techniques (Case Study: Perdanan Piranshahr) [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Multivariate analysis The Effects of Forest Road on Vegetation and Some Physical and Chemical Properties of Soil, Case Study: Shafarood Forests, District No.2 [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Natural Regeneration Study of Natural Regeneration in Quercus macranthera Stands in Different Physiographic Conditions in Arasbaran Forests [Volume 6, Number 12]
:: Nearest neighbor sampling Estimation of Density using Plotless Density Estimator Criteria in Arasbaran Forest [Volume 8, Number 16]
:: Net present value Economic Valuation of Non Wood Forest Products of Ardebil Fanduglu Forest (Hazelnut Fruit Production) and its Role in Household Economics [Volume 5, Number 9]
:: Nonlinear Regression Investigating the Diameter and Height Models of Beech Trees in Uneven Age Forest of Northern Iran (Case study: Forest Farim) [Volume 9, Number 17]
:: Normal curve Comparison of Height Distribution Functions of Brant's Oak (Quercus Brantii Lindl) in Two Sites with Vegetative Forms Coppice with Standard and Standard with Coppice [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Northern Zagros Effect of Reforestation with Pinus nigra Arnold, Pinus eldarica Medw. and Cupressus arizonica Greene Spices on some Properties of Soil (Case Study: Garan region, Marivan) [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Northern Zagros The Role of Forest Products in the Livelihoods of the Local Communities of North Zagros (Case Study: Kurdistan and West Azarbaijan Provinces) [Volume 7, Number 14]
:: Norway spruce Nutrient Dynamics and Decomposition rate of Norway Spruce Needles in Stråsan and Lajim stands [Volume 7, Number 14]
:: Oak Decline A Review on Ecological Causes of Oak Decline Phenomenon in Forests of Iran [Volume 8, Number 16]
:: Oak Forest dieback Temporal-Spatial Analysis of drought and Oak Trees Dieback of Zagros Forests in Ilam Province [Volume 9, Number 17]
:: Old Trees A Study on the Structure Complexity Index and Stand Quality in Managed Mixed Habitats in Kheyrud Fores [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Organic Carbon Ecological Effects of Forest Road on Some Growth and Edaphic Variables in Amygdalus scoparia Forest Reserve, Dehloran-ZarinAbaad [Volume 3, Number 6]
:: Organic Carbon     Analysis of Changes in Soil Chemical and Biological Characteristics after Fire in Zagros Forests (Case study: Gahvareh, Kermanshah) [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Persian Oak Effect of Loranthus europaeus Jacq contamination on some Quantitative characteristics and nutrient uptake in Persian Oak Trees (Case study: Bankol of Ilam Province) [Volume 4, Number 7]
:: Physiological properties Gas Exchanges and Accumulation of Osmolites in Declined Persian Oak Stands in Ilam Province (Case study: Gchan and Sheshdar Forest Area) [Volume 10, Number 19]
:: Pinus brutiarutia Throughfall Chemistry of Persian Maple (Acer velutinim) and Turkish Pine (Pinus brutia) Plantations in East of Mazandaran [Volume 7, Number 14]
:: Pistachio tree Impact of Oleo-Gum Resin Extraction Periodicity on Natural Regeneration of Wild Pistachio [Volume 4, Number 7]
:: Plant Species Evaluation of Edge Effects and Recreation on Plant Composition and Species Richness and Diversity (Case Study: the Noor Forest Park- Mazandaran Province) [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Plant Species Ecological Assessment of Swiss and Danish Thinning Methods on Brutia Pine (Pinus Brutia Ten.) Reforestation in Neka Area- Mazadaran Province) [Volume 8, Number 15]
:: Plant species Evaluation of the Two Methods for Thinning in Oak Plantation based on Ecological Capability (Case staudy: Neka Area, Mazadaran Province) [Volume 7, Number 13]
:: Plantation Effect of Forest and Non-Forest Land Covers on Soil Organic Matter, Fulvic and Humic Acids [Volume 10, Number 19]
:: Planting Baneh Effect of Irrigation, Sowing Depth and Seed Cover on the Growth and survival Seeds (Pistacia Atlantica Desf.) Koushcan Zanjan Nursery [Volume 7, Number 13]
:: Plot Effect of Physiographic Factors on Plant Biodiversity in the Central Zagros Forests (Case Study: Educational Forest of Razi University of Kermanshah) [Volume 7, Number 13]
:: Policymaking Stakeholders Presenting Quantitative Approaches to Investigate the Importance of the Stakeholders of Ecosystem Services in Hyrcanian Forests [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Pollution Simulation of Nitrogen Deposition (Nitrogen Addition Experiments) Impact on Soil Properties in Pine Radiata Stands [Volume 9, Number 17]
:: Pollution control Optimization of in Vitro Cultivation Conditions of Blood Hawthorn (Crataegus atrosanguinea) [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Poplar Effect of Poplar Monoculture and Poplar whit Peanut as an Agroforestry Cultivation on Soil Chemical Propertie [Volume 3, Number 6]
:: Poplar plantation Investigating the area and production of poplar plantations in Sowme`eh Sara city using field data and GIS [Volume 9, Number 18]
:: Populus alba L. Leaf area Evaluation of Growth and Morphological Parameters in two Poplar Species (P.nigra L. & P. alba L.) to Tree Growth Reveal Traits Related To Productivity (Case Study in Kermanshah, Zanjan and Esfahan Provinces) [Volume 3, Number 5]
:: Populus deltoids. Crown ratio modeling of Populus deltoids trees in plantation of Guilan province [Volume 9, Number 18]
:: Probability Distribution. Time and Cost Simulation of Forest Roads Construction Using Monte Carlo analysis [Volume 8, Number 15]
:: Probability distribution Fitting Tree Height Distributions in Natural Beech Forest Stands of Guilan (Case Study: Masal) [Volume 7, Number 14]
:: Protected areas Investigation the Effectiveness of Protected Areas in Hyrcanian Forests, Iran [Volume 10, Number 20]
:: Qualitative criteria Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to Evaluate Inventory Methods in Urban Forestry [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Quercus branti Changes of Some Biochemical and Photosynthetic Indices Due to the Gall in Persian Oak Trees (Case study: Forests of Middle Zagros) [Volume 4, Number 8]
:: Quercus brantii Investigation the Effect of Dead Trees on the Trend of Changes in Soil Carbon Storage Across an Altitudinal Gradient of Western Quercus Forests (Case study: Qalajeh Forest) [Volume 11, Number 22]
:: Quercus brantii Estimation of Biomass and Its Reduction in Forests Affected by Decline in DadAbad Region, Lorestan Province [Volume 11, Number 21]
:: Quercus persica Comparison of Carbon and Nitrogen Sequestration in Soils Under Plantations, Natural Forest and Agricultural Farm Land Uses in Arjan Plain in the Fars Province [Volume 8, Number 16]
:: RDA Species and Functional Diversity of Pollarded (Galajar) and Less Disturbed Area in the Northern Zagros Forests [Volume 10, Number 20]
:: Ramsar The effect of the forest classification method and its combined effect with PRODAN six-tree sampling method [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Rangeland Investigating the Diversity, Abundance and Degree of Symbiosis of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi with Trees and Pasture Plants in Kowsar Station [Volume 11, Number 21]
:: Regeneration Structural Characteristics of Canopy Gaps in the Gap Making Phase in the Evolution of Beech Stands in the Asalem Forests- Guilan [Volume 4, Number 7]
:: Regeneration. Gap structure and its relationship with regeneration status in beech forests of Haftkhal region, Sari. [Volume 9, Number 18]
:: Remote sensing Spatial Distribution Map of Degradation in Zagros Forests of Ilam city [Volume 8, Number 15]
:: Remote sensing Evaluation of Oak Forest Drying in Physiographic and Landuse Units Ilam Province using Landsat Satellite Images 8 [Volume 9, Number 18]
:: Resilience Ten-Year Monitoring of the Vegetation Composition of the Sisangan Forest Park before and after the Cydalima perspectali Outbreak [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Rezaeian forests Evaluating of Different Height-Diameter Nonlinear Models for Hornbeam in Uneven-Aged Stands (Case Study: Golestan Rezaeian Forest) [Volume 8, Number 16]
:: Rhytisma acerinum Isolation and Identification of Maple Tar Spot Pathogen in Acer velutinum Trees in Dr. Bahramnia Educational and Research Forest [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Richness Biodiversity Response of under Story Woody and Herbaceous Plant to the Developmental Stages of Forest in the Mixed Hornbeam Stands, Gorgan's Shast-Kalateh Forest [Volume 11, Number 21]
:: Risk assessment Assessment of Forest Fire Risk in Mazandaran Province Using Fuzzy AHP Model [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Robinia pesudoacacia Study of Phenological Changes in Black Locust using Descriptive Methods and Quantitative Analysis [Volume 8, Number 16]
:: Rooting Micropropagation of Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) Affected by Plant Growth Regulators under In Vitro Conditions [Volume 9, Number 17]
:: Rotation Age Determination of Optimum Rotation Age of Populus Deltoides Plantation in Regard to Economic Value of Carbon Sequestration [Volume 8, Number 15]
:: SFM Evaluation Crown Height Model Extracted from the UAV in Individual Tree Detection in Sisangan Forest Park [Volume 10, Number 20]
:: SWOT Needs Assessment and Prioritization Performance of Natural Resources Training Courses by using Combination Method SWOT-AHP (Case Study: Lorestan Province) [Volume 10, Number 19]
:: Sampling The Appropriate Sampling Method for Estimating Density and Crown Canopy of Declined Oak Stands in Dinarkooh Protected Forest, Abdanan, Ilam [Volume 5, Number 10]
:: Sampling Study of Distance Sampling Methods Accuracy to Estimation of Mediterranean Stinkbush Species (Anagyris Foetida L.) Density (Case Study: Forests of Kasakaran, Gilanegharb) [Volume 4, Number 7]
:: Sampling A Study on the Accuracy and Precision of Estimation of the Number, Basal Area and Standing Trees Volume per Hectare Using of some Sampling Methods in Forests of NavAsalem [Volume 7, Number 13]
:: Sampling Distance Method Determination of Spatial Distribution Pattern Analysis of Acer Velutinum Species in two Elevation Classes using Distance Sampling Methods (Case Study: Asalem Nav Forests, Series No. 2) [Volume 7, Number 13]
:: Saravan Forest Comparison of the Performance of Fuzzy C-Means and K-Medoids in Modeling Forest Fire Occurrence (Case Study: Saravan Forests, Gilan) [Volume 9, Number 17]
:: Sediment trap The Relations of Rainfall Duration and Intensity and Sediment Yield from Treated Ditch by Conservation Practices in Forest Roads [Volume 11, Number 21]
:: Seed transfer Investigation on the effect of seed transfer distance effect on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Caucasian oak seedlings (Case study: Chalmardi Nursery of Nakachoob Company [Volume 10, Number 20]
:: Selective Sampling Study on Ecology of Hackberry Trees (Celtis australis) in the West Forests of Guilan (Case Study: Rezvanshahr and Taniyan) [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: Semi- hardwood cutting. Effects of IBA and Mycorrhizal fungi inoculation on rooting and growth of the semi- hardwood cuttings of Corylus avellana L. [Volume 9, Number 18]
:: Sensitivity analysis Modeling of Iranian oak Regeneration in Zagros Forests using Artificial Neural Network Algorithm [Volume 9, Number 18]
:: Sequences Isolation and Molecular Identification of Endophytic Bacillus from the Roots of Carpinus Orientalis in Mazandarn and Semnan Provinces [Volume 11, Number 21]
:: Shafarood district nine Effects of Shelterwood Method on Some Important Forest Stands Features in Shafarood District Nine of Guilan [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Shanderman The Survey of Fit Growth Characteristics of Oak (Quercus castaneifolia C. A. Mey.) Trees by using Some of Probability Distributions (Case Study: Siyahkesh Forests of Guilan Province) [Volume 2, Number 3]
:: Shast kalateh forest Volume Increment Determination of Forest Stand Types in the District One of Dr Bahramnia Forest Management Plan, Gorgan [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Shast- Kalate forests of Gorgan The Evaluation of Potential Airborne Laser Scanner Data in Estimating of Individual Canopy Area and Tree Heights in Part of Educational and Research Shast-Kalate Forests - Gorgan [Volume 5, Number 9]
:: Shastkolateh of Gorgan Identification of Bracket Fungi and Characteristics of Their Host Trees in District І of The Shastkolateh Forest of Gorgan [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Shorab Modeling of Corticolouslichen Spatial diversity in Forest Stands using Geographically Weighted Regression [Volume 10, Number 20]
:: Siahkal. Comparison of Quantitative, Qualitative and Soil of Chestnut-leaved Oak and Loblolly Pine plantations of Shen-Rood Watershed No: 25 of Guilan Province [Volume 8, Number 15]
:: Silviculture Quantitative growth and Soil Characteristics of Pure and Mixed Stands of Quercus castaneifolia (in Sorkhdary Forest Management Plan in Golestan Province) [Volume 9, Number 18]
:: Simulation Investigation of Climate Change Parameters of Forest Ecosystem Compared to Urban Area [Volume 9, Number 17]
:: Soil Comparison of nutrient concentration of leaves and twigs of Pinus brutia Ten. in different sampling seasons (case study: Makhmalkooh Forest Park) [Volume 10, Number 19]
:: Soil characteristics Relation between Dieback of Quercus brantii Lindl. Trees with Ecological and Sylvicultural Factors, (Study Area: Dena Protected Area) [Volume 3, Number 6]
:: Soil Biological Properties The Effect of Forest Management on Soil Net Mineralization Rate in Khalilmahle, Behshahr Forest [Volume 4, Number 8]
:: Soil seed bank Flora, Life Form and Chorological Study of Soil Seed Bank of Silk Tree (Albizia julibrissin Durazz.) Habitats in Forests of Mazandaran province [Volume 4, Number 8]
:: Soil Chemical Properties rsity The Effect of Different Forest Types on Soil Properties and Biodiversity of Grassland Cover and Regeneration in Central Hyrcanian Forests (Case Study: Seri-Alandan-Sari) [Volume 7, Number 14]
:: Soil Humidity Wind-Thrown Trees Characteristics and Effects of Topographic and Soil Factors on Wind Throw in Chamestan Forest- Mazandaran [Volume 10, Number 19]
:: Soil characteristics Comparison of Soil Organic Matter in Pure and Mixed Types of Oak in North Zagros (Case Study: Armardeh Baneh Forests) [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Soil erosion Estimation of the Economic Value of Soil Nutrition Protection in Zagros Forest Ecosystems (Case Study: Noujian Watershed in Khoramabad) [Volume 10, Number 19]
:: Soil factors. Relationship of Growth components of Bladder Senna (Colutea persica Boiss.) with soil and physiographic factors in Kandiragh forest reserved of Khalkhal- Ardabil province [Volume 8, Number 15]
:: Soil moisture The Effect of Depth and Aspect on Soil Moisture in Dieback Affected Oak Forests (Case study: Meleh siah Forest, Ilam Province) [Volume 6, Number 11]
:: Soil physiochemical properties Changes in Carbon Sequestration and some Edaphic Traits in Forest Types of CEntral Zagros (Case Study: The forests of Lorestan Province) [Volume 9, Number 17]
:: Soil properties Effect of Site on Soil Properties and Carbon Sequestration in Populus deltoids Stand in Sari [Volume 9, Number 18]
:: Soil properties and Topographic features Spatial Distribution Modeling of Pistacia atlantica using Artificial Neural Network in Khohir National Park [Volume 11, Number 22]
:: Soil stabilization The Effect of Cellulose and Lignin Content on Tensile Strength of Tree Species [Volume 10, Number 19]
:: Soil texture The Effect of Pit and Mound Landscape on Variability of Cation Exchange Capacity and Soil Nutrients [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Soil water balance Evaluation of Soil Moisture Changes Using the Balance Model in Zagros Oak Drying Forests (Case study: Melah Siah Forest - Ilam) [Volume 9, Number 18]
:: South Zagros Comparison of some Soil Physico-Chemical and Microbial Characteristics in Relation to Oak Decline in Different Elevation Classes in Southern Zagros Forest [Volume 8, Number 16]
:: Spatial distribution pattern Determination of Spatial Pattern of Woody Species using Point Pattern Analysis (Case Study: Chehel-tan Dehbakri Forest, Kerman Province) [Volume 9, Number 17]
:: Spatial location Investigating the Structure of Beech Stands in the Gap Making Phase (Case study: Asalem Forests, Guilan) [Volume 7, Number 13]
:: Species Selection Criteria and Indicators of Species Selection for Planted Forest in Arid and Semi-arid Industrial Regions [Volume 10, Number 20]
:: Species diversity Evaluation of Nearest Neighbor Distance Method. for Biodiversity Estimation in Arasbaran Forest Ecosystem [Volume 5, Number 10]
:: Species diversity Plant Biodiversity under Impact of Slope Position in Managed and Unmanaged Beech Forest of Asalem-Gilan [Volume 7, Number 13]
:: Springtails Introduction to Class of Collembola as Soil Mesofauan from Semeskandeh Mixed Forest (Hyrcanian Region) [Volume 9, Number 18]
:: Spruce Investigation the Accuracy of Estimating the Biomass of Poplar (Populus alba L.) Trees using Allometric Equations [Volume 9, Number 17]
:: Stand Density Index (SDI) Determination of Optimal Density in Poplar (Populus deltoides) Plantations based on the Reineke Method (Case study: Guilan Province) [Volume 10, Number 20]
:: Stand persistence The Stability of Trees Species in Terms of Height-Diameter Ratio and the Relationship of Stand Quantitative Characteristics in Natural Forest Stands (Case Study: Arasbaran Forest) [Volume 11, Number 22]
:: Stand structure Effect of Stand Structural Characteristics on Natural Regeneration of Acer Campestre L. in Arasbaran Forest [Volume 7, Number 13]
:: Stand structure The Influence of landform, Terrain Shape Index and Aspect Slop on the Structural Distribution of Mixed Stands in the Arasbaran Forest by Ordination Method (Case Study: Kaleybarchay Watershed) [Volume 8, Number 16]
:: Stand volume Investigating of Kriging Geostatistic Method Capability for Forest Stand Volume Zoning (Case Study: Haftkhal Area) [Volume 10, Number 20]
:: Stem per hectare Ecological Relationships of Slope and Elevation with Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia L.) in Arasbaran Forests [Volume 10, Number 19]
:: Step-Wise Weight Evaluation of Forest Ecosystem Functions using Integrated Methods of Multi-Criteria Decision Making (Case Study: Mazandaran Provence, Shiadeh and Diva Forest Ecosystem) [Volume 10, Number 20]
:: Structural Characteristics The Impact of Aspect on Forest Structural Characteristics in Zagros Forests (Case Study: Tangdalab forests of Ilam province) [Volume 11, Number 22]
:: Structural self-interaction matrix Identifying, Prioritizing, and Evaluating Mutual Relationships between the Principles of Civil Responsibility in the Rights of Forest Ecosystems [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Structure The Stinking Bean Trefoil (Anagyris foetida L.) Structure in Zagros (Case Study of Gilan-e Gharb Forests) [Volume 9, Number 17]
:: Successional stages The Effect of Successional stages on Density and Composition of Bird Species (Case study: Shast Kolateh Forest) [Volume 10, Number 19]
:: Supervised classification Specification of Forest Road Surface Potholes using UAVs Image Evaluation [Volume 11, Number 22]
:: Surdar-Watashan Evaluation of Vegetation Diversity on Forest Road Fill-Slop using Bioengineering Method in Surdar-Watashan Forestry Plan [Volume 10, Number 19]
:: Surface Water Effects of Anthropogenic Disturbance on Diversity, Biomass and Storage of N and P Nutrients by Herbaceous Vegetation of Gall Oak Stands (Case Study: Shine Qellaii Forests, Lorestan Province) [Volume 6, Number 12]
:: Sustainable forest management Localization and Prioritization of Ecovillages Indices in Hyrcanian Forest (Case Study: Ecovillages of Darabkola Forests) [Volume 10, Number 20]
:: Swamp Investigating the Tree Cover, Fauna, Edaphic and some Morphological Characteristics of the Trees in the Around of Khezre Nabi Marsh in Nimvar, South Nowshahr [Volume 11, Number 22]
:: Symbiosis Identification of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Coexist with Plant Species in Different Habitats of Iranian Oak (Quercus brantii Lindl.) in Ilam [Volume 11, Number 22]
:: TOPSIS Selection of the Most Suitable Species in Order to Forestation in Southern Zagros Forests using AHP & TOPSIS Techniques [Volume 2, Number 4]
:: TOPSIS Investigating the Economic and Social Consequences of the Forest Logging Prohibition of Eastern Forests of Mazandaran Province [Volume 9, Number 17]
:: Tamarix Short-Term Effects of Fire on Soil Physicochemical Properties and the Vegetation Cover of Tamarix sp. Stands in Qara Gheshlagh Bonab Lagoon, East Azarbaijan Province [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Taxodiom distichum Comparison of Soil Macroelements in the Plantiation of Forest Stand in Khazar Forest Seed Center, Amol [Volume 3, Number 6]
:: Technical characteristic and Numeral Comparison of Technical and Numeral Characteristic of Road Network with a Existent Reciple in a Multiple Use Forest Management Plan, Armardah, Banah [Volume 1, Number 1]
:: Terrain Shape Index (TSI) The Influence of Geomorphological Characteristics of Forest Sites on the Decay Dynamics of Dead Trees in Asalem Forests, Western Hyrcanian Region [Volume 7, Number 14]
:: The sense of ownership relative to forest The Survey of Affecting Factors on Tendency to Participation of Local People in the Restoration of Oak Forests Involved with Decline in Ilam Province [Volume 10, Number 19]
:: Thinning Effect of Thinning on the Quantitative and Qualitative Variables of Acer Velutinum Bioss (Case study: Berenjestanak Seri, Mazandaran Province) [Volume 4, Number 8]
:: Topographic features The Modeling of Some Quantitative Characteristics Forest Using Topographic Features Stands (Case Study: District-3 of Sangdeh Forests) [Volume 10, Number 19]
:: Topography Investigation and Comparison of Slenderness Coefficient of Old Persian Oak and Wild Pistachio Trees in Different Site Conditions in the Middle Zagros [Volume 10, Number 19]
:: Tourism Identification and Customization of Rural Ecotourism Criteria and Indicators in the Forest Areas of Northern Iran [Volume 11, Number 21]
:: Traditional Forest Related Knowledge Qualitative study of traditional and formal knowledge of acorn harvesting of Brant`s oak (Quercus brantii Lindl.) trees in the Zagros forests, Iran [Volume 9, Number 18]
:: Traditional forestry system Horizontal and Vertical Structure of Northern Zagros Forests in Relation to Traditional Forestry System (Case study: Havare- Khol Forests) [Volume 9, Number 17]
:: Tree Growth Response of Poplar (Populus Alba), Russian Olive (Elaeagnus Angustifolia), Tamarisks (Tamarix sp) Species to Climate Factors and River Discharge in Aras river Riparian Forest [Volume 11, Number 21]
:: Tree Rings Comparison between the Effects of Temperature and Solar Radiation on Growth of Quercus castaneifolia C. A. Mey. in Astara Forests using the Dendrochronology Method [Volume 3, Number 5]
:: Tree diameter Physical and Values Damages to Felled Trees During Felling Operation (Case Study: Asalem Watershed Forests) [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Tree layer Species Diversity of Trees and Forest Floor Plants in Oriental beech Forest Types of Shastkalate Educational and Research Forest, Gorgan) [Volume 8, Number 16]
:: Tree metrics reast Height Feasibility and Evaluation Efficiency of Hand-held Digital Camera in Estimation of Trees Diameter in Forest Ecosystem (Case Study: Estimation of Diameter at Different Heights of Trees) [Volume 9, Number 18]
:: Tree size The effect of Silvicultural Methods on the Structural Characteristics of Forest Stand and Soil Properties in the Intermediate Hyrcanian Beech Forests (Case study: Alandan-Sari Series Forests) [Volume 10, Number 20]
:: Tree species composition Humus index assessment in relation to forest cover variables and altitude gradient [Volume 9, Number 18]
:: Tree structure The Influence of Competition on some Structural Features of Persian Oak (Quercus brantii Lindl var.persica) Trees in Zagros Forest (Case study:Hashtad- Pahlu,Lorestan) [Volume 10, Number 19]
:: Trees height differentiation ion Structural Characteristic of English Yew (Taxus baccata L.) Stands in the Afratakhteh Forests Reserveeserve [Volume 7, Number 13]
:: Trichomes Investigation of the Leaf and Pollen Micromorphology of Maples (Acer L.) of Iran [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Trunk quality Effects of Altitude on the Growth Characteristics of Lebanon Oak (Quercus libani Olive.) in Kurdistan Province [Volume 5, Number 9]
:: UAV Canopy Gap delineation using UAV data in Coniferous Forests using (Case Study: Arab Dagh Region in Golestan Province) [Volume 11, Number 21]
:: UAVs Detection of Tree Species in Mixed Broad-Leaved Stands of Caspian Forests Using UAV Images (Case study: Darabkola Forest) [Volume 6, Number 11]
:: Understory Effect of traditional conservation on woody and herbal species frequency in the mountain forests of northern Iran (Case Study: Poudeh village, Roodsar) [Volume 9, Number 18]
:: Uneven forest Investigation some of the Biotic and Abiotic Variables Effective on the Diameter Increment of the Beech Trees at Fixed Sample Plots level by Growth Models [Volume 7, Number 13]
:: Uneven‑aged forest Evaluation of the Performance of Climatic Scenarios in the Basal Area Model of Trees (Case Study: the Farim Forest) [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Uniformity The Effect of Slope and Height above Sea Level on Tree Species Diversity in Arsbaran Forests [Volume 11, Number 21]
:: Unmanaged stand Allometric Equations of Beech (Fagus orientalis L.) Biomass in Managed and Unmanaged Stands in Safarood's Forest, Mazandaran Province [Volume 8, Number 16]
:: Upland Long – Term Effect of Fire on Woody Species Composition and their Natural Regeneration in Hyrcanian Forests, (Case Study: Lesakouti Forest of Tonekabon, Mazandaran Province) [Volume 5, Number 9]
:: Urban forest Estimation of Carbon Storage in Biomass and Litter in Plantations of Lavizan Forest Park in Tehran [Volume 10, Number 20]
:: Urban forestry Study of Nutrient Uptake Status of Tree Species in a number of parks in Tehran [Volume 11, Number 21]
:: Variogram Investigating the Spatial Pattern of Chemical Properties of Forest Soil under Livestock Presence through Geo-Statistics (A Case study: Eastern Bandpey Forest -Babol) [Volume 9, Number 17]
:: Variogram Spatial Evaluation of Forest Structural Features in Zagros Forests (Gahvareh Forests, Kermanshah) [Volume 3, Number 6]
:: Vegetation Index Recognizing Plant Tension in Plantations by use of UAVs Visible Light Detector. (Case Study: Nekazalemrood Forestry Plan) [Volume 7, Number 13]
:: Vegetation Indices Estimating above Ground Carbon Storage in Urban Afforestation Using Satellite Data (Case Study: Chitgar Forest Park in Tehran) [Volume 4, Number 7]
:: Vegetation cover Effect of Vegetation Type and Soil Chemical Properties on the Organic Carbon Content in the Soil of Flood Spreading Fields of Kowsar Station [Volume 10, Number 19]
:: Verifier Determining the Reference Value in Forest Policy of Kalgachi Local System, Zagros Forest, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province [Volume 8, Number 16]
:: Vital indicator Vital Reactions of Wild Pistachio Seeds (Pistacia atlantica) to Seed Priming, Scarification and Chemical Treatments [Volume 3, Number 6]
:: Volume Growth Determining the Forest Volume Growth using Permanent Sample Plots (Case Study: Farim Forest, Jojadeh District) [Volume 4, Number 8]
:: Volume (m3.ha-1) The Effects of Changes in the Forest Structure’s Quantitative Traits on the Leaf Area Index in Hyrcanian Forests, Golestan Province [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Water potential Growth and Physiological Responses of Populus nigra L. Male and Female Seedlings under Cadmium Stress [Volume 11, Number 22]
:: Water potential Gas Exchange Parameters and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Yield in Iranian Oak (Quercus macranthera F & M) Seedling under Drought Stress in Golestan Province [Volume 4, Number 8]
:: Water scarcity Phytoremediation Potential of Judas Tree, White Mulberry, Bitter Olive and Cedar Rolls for Manganese and Chromium in Water Treatment Plant Effluent [Volume 9, Number 18]
:: White mulberry Effect of Humic Acid and Cattle Manure on Stomatal Conductance, Photosynthesis, and Growth Variables of White Mulberry Seedlings in the Nursery Condition [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Wood-inhabiting fungi Introducing Two Fungi Species of Trametes spp. and Their Relationship with some of the tree Characteristics and Sites factors in Lorestan Province, Iran [Volume 9, Number 17]
:: Woodlands Rangelands Fitting of Species Frequency Distribution Models in Woody Societies in Rangelands of Gouradarah, Gechigiran Ahar [Volume 7, Number 14]
:: Woody trees Isolation and Identification of Endophytic Fungi of Beech Trees from some Forests in the Suburbs of Sari [Volume 11, Number 21]
:: Woody utilization Woody Utilization of Grape Trees Pruning Residues for use in Particleboard Industry [Volume 10, Number 19]
:: Woof Farming Estimation of poplar cultivation area in Mazandaran province using Santinel 2 satellite images [Volume 9, Number 18]
:: Wounds Investigating the Damages to the Trees due to the Traffic of Off-Road Vehicle in the Northern Forests of Iran [Volume 11, Number 22]
:: Yazd Modeling the Standing Traits to Estimate Tree Volume and Biomass of Acer monspessulanum Subsp. cinerascens (Boiss.) using Multiple Regression [Volume 3, Number 6]
:: Yew The Role of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Native Iranian Yew (Taxus baccata) in Biological Control of Fusarium oxysporum [Volume 10, Number 20]
:: Young coppice forest Study Changes in Biological Indicators in Forest Stands with Different Structure in Kurdistan Province [Volume 10, Number 20]
:: Young leaf Comparison of Specific Leaf Area in Three Native Oaks of Zagros in National Botanical Garden of Iran [Volume 1, Number 2]
:: Zagores forest Evaluation of the Rainfall Components Distribution and the optimum Samples Size to Estimate Throughfall for Needleleaf and Broadleaf Stands in Zagros Forests, Ilam [Volume 11, Number 21]
:: Zagros Morphological Characteristics of Old Trees in Zagros Forests (A Case Study: Forests of Ilam province) [Volume 4, Number 7]
:: Zagros Assessing the Plant Communities Changes by Effects of Vegetation Type, Physiography and Soil in Central Zagros Forest [Volume 10, Number 20]
:: Zagros The Relationship between wildfire areas and physiographic features in the Zagros vegetation area, Kermanshah province [Volume 10, Number 20]
:: Zagros Evaluating and Recognising the Status of Standard Regeneration of Crataegus pontica, Cerasus microcarpa and Amigdalus orientalis in the Central Zagros Forests (Case Study: Dalab Forests of Ilam Province) [Volume 5, Number 10]
:: Zagros Efficiency of the Transects Branch-Sampling Line Method to Estimate the Canopy and Number of Trees per Hectare in Zagros Forests (Case Study: Karazan Forest of Ilam) [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: Zagros Investigating Land Cover Changes using Landscape Metrics (Case Study: Baneh Forests) [Volume 11, Number 22]
:: Zagros The Effect of Spray Solution of Nutrition Elements on the amount of Macro Elements on Healthy and Drought Oak Trees (Quercus brantii Lindl.) in Monj Region of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province [Volume 10, Number 19]
:: Zagros Modeling Post-Fire Vegetation Recovery using Satellite and Environmental Data in Zagros Forest Ecosystem, Ilam [Volume 11, Number 21]
:: Zagros Diversity of Herbaceous and Woody Plant Species in Relation to Different Physiographic Conditions using Numerical and Parametrical Indices in Zagros Mountainous Forests [Volume 5, Number 9]
:: Zagros Influence of Short and Long Period Abandonment from Agriculture on Vegetation and Soil Seed Bank Composition Compared to Undisturbed Forest in Zagros Region [Volume 9, Number 17]
:: Zagros Forest The Effect of Different Levels of Decline on Leaf and Seed Morphological Characteristics of Quercus brantii Lindl. in the Zagros forests - Kermanshah Province [Volume 10, Number 20]
:: Zagros Forests Investigation on the Amount of Mortality of Iranian Oak Trees (Quercus brantii Lindi) using Satellite Imagery (Case study: Dashtebarm forests of Fars Province) [Volume 8, Number 16]
:: Zagros ecosystems Study of Climate Change on the Structure and Decline of Persian Oak (Quercus brantii Lindl.) in Zagros Ecosystems (Case study: Forests of Gilan-e-Gharb County) [Volume 11, Number 21]
:: Zagros forests Capability of Rapid Eye Satellite Imagery to Map the Distribution of Canopy Trees in Dashtebarm Forest Area of Fars Province [Volume 7, Number 14]
:: Zagros forests Study of Some Growth Indicators of Quercus infectoria on the Side of Forest Roads (Case Study: Shoy Forest in Baneh City) [Volume 12, Number 2]
:: Zagros forests Assesing of genetic diversity and heritability in growth traits of Quercus brantii from different provenances of Zagros forests in field trials [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: Zagros forests The Effect of Inoculation Brant's Oak )Quercus brantii L.) Seed with Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria on Some Physiological Traits of Seedling under Different Levels of Water-Deficit Stress [Volume 10, Number 19]
:: Zagros forests Variability of Soil Nutrients and Aggregate Stability in Different Times after Fire in Zagros Forests (Case Study: Paveh Forests) [Volume 4, Number 8]
:: Zagros forests Modeling of Canopy Cover Estimation Using Landsat 8 Satellite OLI Data in the Zagros Forests [Volume 9, Number 17]
:: Zagros forests Investigation on Seedling Emergence from Direct Seeding of Quercus Persica, Pistacia Atlantica and Acer Cineracens in Natural Conditions of Ilam, Dalab Forests [Volume 9, Number 17]
:: Zagros forests.​​​​​​​ Evaluation of Different Methods in Spatial Distribution Pattern of Trees Species in Kalkhani Forest in Kouhdasht, Lorestan - Zagros [Volume 8, Number 15]
:: Zayanderud dam Comparative investigation of Oriental Plane and White Poplar plantations near Zayanderud dam, Isfahan [Volume 4, Number 7]
:: beech forests Evaluation of the variables of soil characteristics in the hollows and canopy of pure and mixed natural beech forests of Shast Kalate [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: forest policy Contextual analysis of timber smuggling in the east of Mazandaran province [Volume 13, Number 1]
:: ncertainty Projection of Climate Change Impacts on Potential Distribution of Chestnut-leaved oak (Quercus castaneifolia C.A.M.) Using Ensemble Modeling in the Hyrcanian Forests of Iran [Volume 8, Number 15]
:: physicochemical properties Evaluating the Effects of Logging with a Ferguson Tractor on the Physical and Chemical Properties of the Soil. Case Study: Kouhmian Forests, Azadshahr [Volume 12, Number 1]
:: replacement cost approach and spatial valuation Economic valuation of water production service in forest ecosystems (case study: Darabkola watershed) [Volume 9, Number 18]
:: species turnover Evaluation of Beta diversity indices in identifying vegetation differences of Buxus hyrcana plant communities in the Hyrcanian Forests [Volume 8, Number 15]
:: substrate induced respiration. The effects of forest degradation and land use change on physical, chemical and soil respiration characteristics in the semi-arid mountain ecosystems of Kojur - Mazandaran province [Volume 13, Number 1]
::  Structural legacy Development of the Dead Trees Structural Legacy in the Dynamics Process of Pure Beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) Stands (Case study: Gorazbon District of Kheyrud Forest) [Volume 10, Number 20]

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