Volume 8, Issue 16 (10-2020)                   Ecol Iran For 2020, 8(16): 103-114 | Back to browse issues page

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Khademi A, Madanipour kermanshahi M, Kord B. (2020). Allometric Equations of Beech (Fagus orientalis L.) Biomass in Managed and Unmanaged Stands in Safarood's Forest, Mazandaran Province. Ecol Iran For. 8(16), 103-114. doi:10.52547/ifej.8.16.103
URL: http://ifej.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-333-en.html
1- Department of Green Space Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Malayer Branch, Iran.
2- Department of Environment, Islamic Azad University, Parand Branch, Iran.
Abstract:   (3231 Views)
   Biomass measurement is important in terms of ecological and economical evaluation of the structure and conditions of habitat and can provide an estimate for carbon sequestration in different organs of tree. In order to assess the amount of biomass in harvested and unmanaged Beech stands, two compartments (511 and 514) of Safarood's forest  were selected. A plot of 6.25 hectare from each compartment were determined and diameter at breast, height, diameter and height of crown were measured under full inventory. The amount of biomass for tagged trees based on  Direct biomass measurement and total stands were utilized using allometric equation. In the harvested compartment, 15 trees from all tagged trees were selected, limbing and Volumes were determined. Three discs from each trunk were selected and cut. Concerning the branches, one stere from each tree was specified. In order to determine the dry weight (biomass), discs and branches were kept in a kiln for 48 hours at tempreture of 80°C and then weighed. The results of the study revealed that the amount of biomass storage in unmanaged and harvested stand was estimated as 222.18 and 311.58 tons per hectare, respectively. The results of t-test indicated significant difference (α= 5) between the mean of trunk and branches of biomass storage  in total stand and diameter classes of these two compartments. Effect of management intervention on harvesting stand, specifically harvesting of Thick tree, has resulted in decreasing the average diameter and height of the stands and volume and biomass in the  managed area.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/08/17 | Accepted: 2019/11/20

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