Volume 7, Issue 14 (12-2019)                   Ecol Iran For 2019, 7(14): 80-89 | Back to browse issues page

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alimohamadi A, asadi F. (2019). Study of Growth Function of Black Poplar (Populus Nigra) With Kermanshah and Zanjan Origin in Karaj Research Station. Ecol Iran For. 7(14), 80-89. doi:10.29252/ifej.7.14.80
URL: http://ifej.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-270-en.html
1- Payame Noor University
2- بخش تحقيقات منابع طبيعي، مركز تحقيقات و آموزش كشاورزي و منابع طبيعي مازندران، سازمان تحقيقات، آموزش و ترويج كشاورزي، ساري، ايران
Abstract:   (3530 Views)

In order to evaluate the growth function of Populus nigra trees under homogeneous conditions, a total of 24 individuals of P. nigra (3 individuals per stand) were sampled from 8 artificial stands in Kermanshah province and 12 individuals of P. nigra (3 individuals per stand) were sampled from 4 artificial stands in Zanjan province. In order to assimilate the environmental conditions, seedlings were planted under randomized complete blocks design with 3 replications in Karadj area. In growing season, height growths were measured in 6 periods and diameter growths were measured in 2 periods. The results showed no significant differences between the stands in term of height and diameter growths but there were significant differences between periods in terms of height and diameter growths. In total, the results of growth parameters measuring in P. nigra stands showed that the trees of the two provinces presented a fairly similar growth function during a growing season.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: اکولوژی جنگل
Received: 2018/09/7 | Accepted: 2018/09/30

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