Volume 7, Issue 13 (6-2019)                   Ecol Iran For 2019, 7(13): 83-90 | Back to browse issues page

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Fallahchay M, khoshmanzar S. (2019). Determination of Spatial Distribution Pattern Analysis of Acer Velutinum Species in two Elevation Classes using Distance Sampling Methods (Case Study: Asalem Nav Forests, Series No. 2). Ecol Iran For. 7(13), 83-90. doi:10.29252/ifej.7.13.83
URL: http://ifej.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-199-en.html
1- Department of Forestry, Lahijan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran
Abstract:   (4431 Views)
  One of the important features of plant communities is the spatial pattern of trees. The spatial pattern of the stands determined by measuring and positioning of trees in the stands and inserting them in analytical frameworks. This is because spatial information allows natural resource managers to make and perform better-informed decisions, -. The aim of this study was to assess the spatial pattern of Acer velutinum in two stands, above and below 800 m from see level in Asalem Nav forests, Guilan province. The sampling distance- method was used. In order to gather the required data, characteristics of 88 tress in 30 sample plots (1000 m2) were recorded in two elevation classes in an area of 30  ha (15  ha in each elevation class) with a grid  network of 100 × 100. The number of trees, diameter, height, distance from the nearest tree to the sample plot and distance of the nearest tree to the first tree of maple was measured in each sample plot. To analyze the spatial pattern, the Hopkins index, the variance/average ratio, Morisita dispersion,  Morisita, Johnson, and Zimmer standards were used, which randomized, uniform, maximum uniform (for both Morisita and Morisita standard indexes) and uniform patterns dispersion was observed, respectively. In general, the ability of these indices makes it possible to compare the stands and they can be used as a suitable tool for sustainable management of the northern forests of Iran.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: اکولوژی جنگل
Received: 2017/10/26 | Accepted: 2019/02/12

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