In order to Study the quality of diameter at breast height distribution, height and height till the beginning of the crown of Oak trees in un-even aged stands from the collected data of the forestation plan in Shanderman Siyahkesh Guilan province, 367 trees were randomly selected as samples and the diameter, height and the height till the beginning of the crown were analyzed. According to the land observations the under study area was considered as the witness piece and has trees in all height and diameter classes and it lacks stand interference and health. In order to fit diameter, height and height till the beginning of the crown Beta, wei bull, Power, Gamma, Normal and log- normal statistical distributions were used the results obtained from Kolmogorof- Smirnov (K.S) and Anderson-Darling (A.D) at the level of %95 showed that in sequence Gamma, log normal wiebul and normal statistical distributions have created a suitable fit for Oak tree’s diameter and from among other suitable distribution weibull distribution is the most appropriate model for the trees height goodness, Also all applied distributions except exponential model have the abality to describe the height till the beginning point of Oak trees crowns but Gamma distribution is the most appropriate one.
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