Volume 11, Issue 22 (11-2023)                   Ecol Iran For 2023, 11(22): 24-34 | Back to browse issues page

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Alizadeh Z, Zolfaghari R, Molaee S, Fayyaz P. (2023). Prediction of Establishment in Progenies of Persian Oak Trees Based on the Morphological and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Traits. Ecol Iran For. 11(22), 24-34. doi:10.61186/ifej.11.22.22
URL: http://ifej.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-494-en.html
1- Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Yasouj, Yasuj, Iran
Abstract:   (1913 Views)
Extended Abstract
Background: The regeneration of trees in forests characterized by prolonged dry seasons, such as the Zagros region, presents significant challenges. The ability to predict water deficit tolerance in progenies of trees based on their geographic, vegetative, and physiological characteristics—particularly the performance of photosystem II—can enhance the efficiency of reforestation and plantation efforts. Understanding these factors is crucial for developing strategies that ensure the survival and growth of saplings in arid conditions, ultimately contributing to the restoration of forest ecosystems.
Methods: In this study, we assessed the progenies of 40 Persian oak trees, which were derived from eight distinct populations located in the southern Zagros forests. Our primary focus was to evaluate their water deficit tolerance based on various geographic, growth, and physiological characteristics, specifically examining the performance of photosystem II under controlled greenhouse conditions. Additionally, we conducted field trials over two years to evaluate the percentage of seedling establishment for each mother tree. The data obtained from these experiments were complemented by morphological assessments of the leaves and seeds from the mother trees. These comprehensive datasets were utilized to develop predictive models for seedling establishment in the field. Our research involved both greenhouse and forest field experiments aimed at evaluating the responses of Persian oak seedlings to drought stress. This was achieved by monitoring several indicators of stress resistance linked to photosystem II functionality. In the greenhouse, seedlings from different mother trees were subjected to drought stress by halting irrigation for one month. Following this period, seedlings were re-irrigated for another month. Throughout these stages, we meticulously recorded data on photosystem II performance, the percentage of leaf yellowing, and the survival rates of the seedlings. Furthermore, we assessed the establishment success of the offspring from the mother trees in the forest field, focusing on their survival rates and height over the two-year period. We also investigated the relationships between these growth metrics and the morphological characteristics of the leaves and seeds from the mother trees.
Results: Our findings indicated a positive correlation between the percentage of survival and indicators of stress resistance observed in greenhouse conditions, as well as the survival rates and heights of seedlings in the forest field. Notably, seedlings originating from drier seed sources, as well as those from lower altitudes and latitudes, exhibited higher drought resistance in greenhouse settings. However, it is important to note that none of the growth and survival parameters observed in the field were significantly related to the environmental characteristics of the populations. We also explored the relationship between the leaf and seed morphological traits of the mother trees and the stress resistance and establishment success of their seedlings. Our results revealed that seedlings grown from larger and heavier seeds demonstrated superior growth characteristics and survival rates, particularly during their first year. Additionally, specific leaf morphological traits of the mother trees—such as petiole length, tooth width, and the number of veins—were identified as influential factors contributing to the successful establishment of seedlings in the forest field.
Conclusion: The outcomes of this research underscore the importance of collecting larger seeds from mother trees exhibiting favorable leaf traits to enhance reforestation success. Moreover, utilizing physiological traits assessed under controlled greenhouse conditions can aid in identifying resistant progenies from superior populations or mother trees. This approach not only supports the selection of robust seedlings capable of thriving in challenging environments but also contributes to the broader goal of restoring and sustaining forest ecosystems in arid regions like Zagros. In summary, our study highlights the intricate relationships between environmental factors, morphological traits, and physiological responses in determining the success of tree regeneration efforts. By focusing on these relationships, we can develop more effective strategies for reforestation that consider the unique characteristics of local tree populations and their adaptations to drought conditions. Future research should continue to explore these dynamics, aiming to refine our understanding of how to best support the regeneration of vital forest ecosystems in the face of climate change and increasing environmental stressors.
Full-Text [PDF 4510 kb]   (360 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: اکولوژی جنگل
Received: 2023/02/16 | Accepted: 2023/06/11

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