1- Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran
2- Department of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran
Abstract: (2034 Views)
Extended Abstract
Introduction and Objective: Comparative studies of river flows increase our understanding of the environmental effects of rivers on the vegetation along its borders. The riverine areas are particularly sensitive to the hydrological cycle, which is used as a suitable indicator to show environmental changes. Considering that the plant elements of the riparian forests are affected by river fluctuations and climatic variables. The current research focused on to investigate the effect of the Climate factors and river discharge rate on the growth of white poplar (Populus alba), Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia), and tamarisks (Tamarix sp) .
Material and Methods: three species from riparian forest of Aras selected for this research, after select trees, by using increment borer samples were extracted from the stem of the studied species. Tree-ring width of samples were measured and recorded after preparation with using of LINTAB measuring table. After cross-dating tree-ring series of individual samples, final, create general chronology for per species by use of standardization methods and tree-ring chronology obtained for Populus alba with 48 years, Elaeagnus angustifolia with 28 years, and Tamarix spp 23 years.
Results: Investigating showed that Populus alba had a negative correlation to the maximum temperature in September and the average temperature in August and September. The Elaeagnus angustifolia had a positive correlation to the mean temperature in May and a negative to the minimum temperature in August. Elaeagnus angustifolia showed a positive relationship with the river flow in March and a negative relationship in September. The maximum temperature in October and the average temperature in October and December before the growing season had a negative effect on the Tamarisk radial growth. The total monthly precipitation in December and February before the growing season had a positive effect, and in September of the growing season and in January before the growing season showed a positive relationship with Tamarisk. The discharge values in December showed a negative relationship with Tamarisk.
Conclusion: The results of this research showed that the air temperature of the summer months and the low amount of rainfall and river flow in the dry months of the year are the factors that control of the growth of trees. Understanding the impact of climatic variables and river fluctuations on riparian forests can play an important role in planning its restoration, rehabilitation and management. Due to the recent droughts and the construction of dams on the Aras river upstream, the amount of flowing water in the river decreases and leads to a decrease in the level of vegetation on its banks. Therefore, it is necessary to consider affecting factors in the selection of native species in afforestation.
Type of Study:
Research |
اکولوژی جنگل Received: 2022/11/25 | Accepted: 2023/01/7