Volume 6, Issue 11 (11-2018)                   Ecol Iran For 2018, 6(11): 31-40 | Back to browse issues page

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imani M, hoseini nasr S M, hatam J, jalilvand H. (2018). Effect of Different Media on Some Morphological Characteristics of Acacia victoria Benth. In Vitro Conditions. Ecol Iran For. 6(11), 31-40. doi:10.29252/ifej.6.11.31
URL: http://ifej.sanru.ac.ir/article-1-198-en.html
Abstract:   (4038 Views)
In Iran, Acacia victoriae is not native to tree in Iran but it is used for important goals such as stabilize hills and the beautify landscape in the southern regions of the Iran, especially in the Khuzestan and Ilam provinces. Researches that include the development of native and non-native trees, which are compatible with the conditions of dusting areas in the western provinces of Iran, are very important. Undoubtedly, in vitro culture of trees is one of the fastest and most reliable approach to achieve mass production of trees. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different plant medium cultures on the morphological characteristics of Acacia victoria under in vitro conditions. Required seeds of Acacia victoriae were prepared from the center seed of koludeh institute of Amol. The present study was conducted in a completely randomized design with six treatments including MS, WPM, DKW, B5, L2 and N6 culture media and each treatment with 24 replications. The studied morphological characteristics, including germination percentage, shoot and root length, number of shoots, shoot and root fresh weight total dry and fresh weight of plantlets were measured for 42 days. After data collection, SAS software was used to analyze of variance and mean comparison and Excel software was used to draw all the charts. The analysis of variance results showed that there was a significant difference at 1% level between studied media, except for the shoot: root ratio. Mean comparisons showed that number of shoots, shoot dry weight, fresh and dry weight of the root, total dry weight and total fresh weight of plantlets had the highest values in WPM. Also shoot and root length and shoot fresh weight had the highest values in L2. Despite the expectation, results showed that MS medium culture had the poorest results in comparison with other media. It can be predicted that the WPM and L2 cultures will be better for seedling production from Acacia victoria seeds than in other culture media.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: اکولوژی جنگل
Received: 2017/10/19 | Accepted: 2018/06/11

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