(2015). Selecting Appropriate Tissue Sample and Optimal Maintenance Conditions for enzymatic Investigations on Velvet Maple (Acer velutinum Boiss.).
Ecol Iran For.
3(5), 11-19.
Abstract: (4035 Views)
Acer velutinum Boiss. is considered as one of the most important of forest tree. Due to the abundant polymorphism and high sensitivity to environmental conditions, using the Peroxidase to study the genetic diversity is very common. The current study aimed to assess the qualitative and quantitative changes of peroxidase in different maintenance conditions of plant samples and also in different vegetative tissues of maple tree. Different tissues (one-year and two-year branches, trunk bark and leaves) were taken from four maple trees. Samples were conserved in three different status, refrigerator (+4°C), freezer (-20°C) and nitrogen liquid (-196°C) until the time of enzyme extraction. Survey of peroxidase qualitative activity showed that 11 isozyme bands were appeared on acrylamide gels in the sections of heavy- and medium-sized molecules. Maximum isozyme bands were emerged for the samples stored in refrigerator. For one-year and two-year old branches, the number of band positions for refrigerator and freezer stored samples was the same. In terms of number of band stations, samples stored in liquid nitrogen was in the next category. For leaf samples, the number of band positions for refrigerator and nitrogen conserved samples was equal and maximum, and the number of bands for freezer stored samples was in second category. The largest number of bands emerged in bark samples were related to those which conserved in refrigerator. Among the all samples stored in refrigerator, maximum quantitative and qualitative activity of peroxidase was related to the trunk bark, leaf and eventually the branches samples, respectively. So, +4°C and trunk bark are the most suitable condition and tissue, respectively, for enzymatic studies on maple.
Type of Study:
Research |
General Received: 2017/09/20 | Accepted: 2017/09/20