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Showing 3 results for taheri abkenar

Kambiz Taheri Abkenar, Negin Tolabi, Bahman Sotoudeh Foumani,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (8-2013)

  In this study, some silvicultural and growth characteristics of Cercis siliqustrum L. were assessed at Pol-dokhtar and Shineh in northwest and southwest of Khoramabad in Lorestan province. The study areas were delimitated on topographic map by field observations and using GPS. Data were collected from 30 circular plots of 0.1 ha area, by random sampling design. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics and diameter structure in these sites were evaluated. The results showed that there was significant difference (p≤0.01) between stands in canopy cover, diameter at breast height and the number of sprouts, but no significant difference in stand height between stands. Regeneration form, vitality, disturbance regime, and species composition were also determined. In both site the main regeneration form was coppice and the most important disturbance was limbing. Judas tree would like to appear in northern slopes and establish in mesic humid soils, meanwhile can tolerate drought. Stands diameter structure were uneven aged and irregular.

Jalal Bagheri, Ali Salehi, Kambiz Taheri Abkenar,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (4-2014)

  This research was conducted to investigate regeneration conditions and evaluate quantitative and qualitative characterestics of pistacia atlantica subsp. mutica on different physiographic conditions of South Alborz Mountains. The role of effective factors on establishment of regeneration was also studied. The forest area map prepared, and then probed by systematic random network of statistical method. Within each plot some quantitative parameters consist of number of stands, total height, average diameter of crown canopy and number and height of saplings were recorded. Vegetative form and nursing type of regeneration of pistacia atlantica subsp. mutica were also determined. Also some parameters such as number, crown diameter and height of Amygdalus lycioides as an important accompany species were recorded. Results showed that the most number of stands, height of regeneration, health of leaf and regeneration of Pistacia atlantica are located in Northern side of 1500-1600 height from the sea level. The most height and diameter of Pistacia atlantica and number of regeneration in 1400-1500 height from the sea level were recorded. This study showed that two factors included Amygdalus lycioides species and rock stone are the best factors for nursery of Pistacia atlantica regeneration, also physiographic factors have significant effect on quantitative and qualitative of saplings and trees of Pistacia atlantica. According to these results, in order to protection and maintenance of Pistacia atlantica, especially in enrichment and afforestation projects, the physiographical factors and nursing effect must be noticed carefully.

Fereshteh Moradian Fard, Kambiz Taheri Abkenar, Abouzar Heidari Safari Kouchi, Yaghoob Iran Manesh,
Volume 6, Issue 12 (12-2018)

Herbal Medicines are valuable natural resources that nowadays absorbed the attention of developed countries. Also this plants are using as raw materials to produce Low-risk and potent drugs for humans. One of these valuable species is the Cionura erecta shrub, distributed in a limited area of our country. The aim of this study is investigating the chemical composition of the essential oil of this species. For this purpose, samples from leaf, stem and fruit were collected from Chahar-tagh region of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province and essence were extracted by Clevenger machine. In order to identify the essential oil composition, the gas chromatograph (GC) and gas chromatograph attached to mass spectrometer (GC-MS) were used to compare the inhibitory and mass spectrometry indices. The results showed that the essential oil of this species has valuable compounds such as Eugenol, Caryophyllene oxide, Cedron-9-one and Alpha cadinol, which are widely used in industry and pharmacy and pest control. In this study, 23 main chemical compounds were identified totally, that Cedron-9-one and Eugenol Had the highest percentage among identified compounds.  Also, the results of this study showed that the essential oil of this species is a rich from the mineral elements including: phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper, sodium and zinc.

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