Bayati H, Najafi A, Vahidi J, Jalali S G. (2021). Feasibility and Evaluation Efficiency of Hand-held Digital Camera in Estimation of Trees Diameter in Forest Ecosystem (Case Study: Estimation of Diameter at Different Heights of Trees).
Ecol Iran For.
9(18), 63-73. doi:
10.52547/ifej.9.18.63 URL:
1- Tarbiat Modares University
2- Iran University of Science and Technology
Abstract: (4134 Views)
Introduction and Objective: Rapid, low-cost and accurate estimation of tree metrics in the forest ecosystem is one of the challenges facing forest managers and inventories. Therefore, given that the forest areas of northern of Iran, mainly deciduous and uneven-aged forests, are covered with various tree species of different sizes, mensuration techniques could be developed and established to suit the particular circumstances. Methods used in forest inventory should be user-friendly, repeatable, relatively low cost, and also have high accuracy and precession for forest inventory operation.
Materials and Methods: Thanks to technological advances in the photography industry, one of the attractive and proposed methods could be the use of digital cameras, in which the potential and performance of this method was evaluated to estimate diameter at different heights of trees. For this purpose, using a digital camera which is mounted on a pre-designed horizontal index and in different shooting distance, diameter at stump height, DBH, and diameter at top of trunk for 108 trees, in REFTMU and in the altitude range of 750 to 1100 meters above sea level and in autumn was estimated. The distance from each shooting station to each tree was captured using the audio and laser rangefinder of the Vertex device as well as the laser meter.
Results: The overall results showed that at 95% significance level, there was a significant difference with real data only in estimating the diameter at stump height. It is also showing an underestimation in estimating the diameter at breast height and at the top of trunk, and in estimating the upper trunk diameter, it was overestimated. The lowest amount of %CV.RMSE was also observed in estimating breast diameter (4.99%).
Conclusion: The evaluated method showed that in the middle classes of metrics captured data, it was more accurate and less error than the upper and lower classes. The results also showed that with increasing the distance of the shooting point, the error rate was increased. Consequently, the results of time study showed that the average operational time for capturing data in digital camera and the traditional method were 3.88 min.tree-1, and 3.42 min.tree-1, respectively.
Type of Study:
Applicable |
Special Received: 2020/10/10 | Accepted: 2021/01/12